Statement for Members of the Government Street Collaborative re: October 5, 2021, Run-Off Election

Please remember that this information is based on citizen research of public information and in no way is represented as legal opinion.

Many questions have come to the Collaborative, neighboring District members, and appeared on various social media platforms such as NextDoor, regarding the October 5th Run-Off election which was scheduled prior to District 2 Councilman Manzie’s untimely death.

The basic question is whether or not Levon Manzie’s name will appear on the Run-Off ballot.

In a public statement issued by Lisa Lambert, City Clerk, on September 20,2021, “….The run-off election scheduled for Tuesday, October 5, 2021, for the Mobile City Council Districts 1,2, and 6 will still be held as planned as required by controlling Alabama law, a ruling of the Supreme Court of Alabama, and an opinion issued by the Attorney General of Alabama.  Consequently, incumbent Levon C. Manzie’s name will remain on the District 2 ballot.”

The obvious following question is what the outcome will be if Levon Manzie’s candidacy wins a majority of votes cast.  

The following information is very preliminary and could change with further legal guidance from the responsible officials, but at this point, it appears that if Mr. Manzie’s candidacy 

receives a majority of votes cast on October 5th, there would likely be a called special election, the details of which have not been published on official sites at this time.

Of course, if Mr. Carroll receives a majority of certified votes cast in the Run-Off, he will become the new District 2 Councilman.

If new, expanded, or differing information emerges, we will further inform you.  

Regardless of future information, YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT.
