The UDC, Haber Ctr. Zoning, Welcome to The Pillars Redux, Hello Digital Government St., 1805 Government Street is Back

This has been a newsy week, so forgive the length and skim to find your particular interests in headings.

1. UDC Zoning Code Update with meeting date

On Sept. 28th Council voted to send out for public review and input, the last version of the UDC, with some changes in the "Conditional" and "Special Exception" categories. Those changed would route certain applications to the Planning Commission, instead of Board of Adjustment, thus allowing appeal to Council rather than to Circuit Court.  Council declined to discuss the Group Living/Housing Use in terms of adding density regulations (i.e. sq. ft. per person, facilities per person, number of unrelated adults, etc.) The next, and probably final, public hearing, where public input will be accepted, is scheduled for October 19th.  As a community, we need to attend to at least show our interest. See the latest version at

2. HABER zoning Community Meeting, vacant property fronting Gov't. between Etheredge and Lafayette.

Scheduled for Oct. 7th, 6pm, at VIA! on Dauphin St.  Expect preliminary site plans, overview, Q&A. At stake is whether property remains R3 (multi-unit housing/apartments) or is changed as proposed to B1/Buffer Business, with Voluntary Exclusions.

3.  PILLARS - Welcome to Ms Rebekah Persekian, operator of the new Pillars Event Venue and Piano Lounge.  Ms. Persekian offered the community a generous list of Voluntary Exclusions on the property to assure neighbors that unappealing and intense uses would not occur on the site.  Her Variance to operate in the B1 zone without a zoning change was passed unanimously and found general support in the nearby historic districts. Ms Persekian made verbal commitments to the St. John's pastor to be mindful of how her operation could impact the church property, hours, and services.

4. Sign Clutter on Government Somewhat Limited by Board of Adjustment- The Collaborative stands in opposition to Variances that depart from  the Sign Ordinance for historic districts such as the Government corridor.  Re: Texaco Station Everett @ Government, digital signage.  We submitted photographs of every street sign from Michigan Avenue (the area of the Texaco business in question at Everett) west to the cannon to demonstrate that there does not exist on that entire distance a single street sign that is digital, and all are variously designed monument signs, meeting the Sign Ordinance, or wall signage in keeping with historic districts.  We also submitted research from other southeastern states that support the concerns about driver distraction, safety, sign clutter, and inappropriate signage for historic areas. However, the Board of Adjustment approved a compromise which will allow the new signage with these conditions:  New sign may not be pole mounted, must be ground monument mounted, cannot be wider/taller than the current sign, must be static lettering (not moving/flashing), and light level must be adjusted to regulations after dark.  With the approval granted, we can expect a succession of similar requests, so the days of completely readable and appropriate halo lighting, interior lighting, and reflected spot lighting are gone, as each more glaring digital will demand another to compete for the driver's eye. 

  5. 1805 Gov't. Street at the cannon is back

At the next Planning Commission meeting, a subdivision request that was allowed to lapse will be reheard for the brick four-plex building at 1805 Government Street, proposed in 2018 as an emergency shelter for up to 12 clients at a time in addition to staff.

The Staff Report states:  "The site is zoned B-1, Buffer Business District, and is developed with a two-story building that is proposed to be restored to its original use as an apartment complex, permits for which are currently in review. Use of the property as an apartment complex is allowed by right in this zoning district.  Previous approval of a one-lot subdivision of the site was granted by the Planning Commission at its June 21, 2018 meeting, but the plat was never presented for signatures and the approval expired. The applicant is again requesting approval of a one-lot subdivision to create a legal lot of record from a metes-and-bounds parcel. The site has frontage along Government Street, an ALDOT-maintained roadway requiring a 100’ right-of-way. The plat depicts adequate right-of-way; thus, no additional dedication should be required."  Because the use is allowed in B1 by right, there will be no public input.  We welcome a restoration of this four-plex to its original commercial apartment use, but let's watch closely.
