UPDATE: SINCE our first post in late July (below), the new Pillars operator, Ms Rebecca Persekian, has worked with us to address concerns neighbors have expressed regarding her application for a Variance to operate a piano lounge in addition to the events venue previously operated at this location.

We are happy to report that Ms Persekian has openly discussed her plans and has embraced the expectations we’ve presented for our historic Government Street corridor.

The Pillars Variance, case 6405, comes before the Board of Adjustment on Monday, Sept. 13th. The meeting will be by Zoom for participants and livestreamed for view on YouTube (See instructions at the Board of Adjustment meetings portal.)

The new operator is not seeking a rezoning from B1 to a more intense use. The site will remain B1, Buffer business. She is, however, seeking a Variance to add a piano lounge to the current Events venue variance. Her plans sound lovely, but as in all such cases, the problem is not the operator's current plan, but what may be allowed in the future under that same Variance. Variances, like Zoning, run with the land unless there is an interruption of a specific time period. Each category is fairly broad, and approval for a piano lounge also approves a late hours nightclub, for example, which would not be contributing or appropriate at the site.

A compromise is a Voluntary Exclusion Covenant which the current operator may submit as a part of the Variance and which excludes those more intense uses which are not compatible with the surrounding area, in this case historic districts on historic Government Street, next door to an established church, St. John's Episcopal.

The operator, Ms Persekian, has been cordial and cooperative, and has agreed to a reasonable list of exclusions that are currently, or may become in future, part of any zoning or variance for a "lounge." She agrees to exclude:

nightclub, distillery, microbrewery, music club for the promotion of acts for a fee, hookah lounge.

In addition, she has excluded adult entertainment as defined by Mobile's Code, and has excluded on the Events venue side a circus or a carnival for any purpose other than community, charitable fundraisers or children's carnival.

As a result of her desire to support our vision for Government Street and our surrounding historic districts, we will speak in full support of her Variance before the Board of Adjustment on Monday, September 13th at 2pm. The meeting will be by Zoom, and will be livestreamed on YouTube. See instructions for joining the meeting on the Board of Adjustment portal: cityofmobile.org/planning, View Website, choose Boards and Commissions, Choose Board of Adjustment.

We look forward to welcoming a reopening of The Pillars and enjoying a beautiful piano bar in addition to the events use of that site. Joining other successful Government Street commerce such as ARoy Thai, Saucy Q BBQ, Guncles Bakery, Stokley’s Garden Center, Starbucks, and others, we continue to seek long term, low intensity, locally owned or leased businesses in currently vacant spaces that serve immediate neighborhood needs and contribute to the vibrancy of Government Street while respecting its historic legacy. We anticipate a well run, enjoyable venue at the Pillars that will contribute to the Government Street experience.

Original Post: On August 2nd, the Board of Adjustment will hear a request from a new operator of a business at The Pillars. The variance is a “use, access and tree planting variance,” to allow a lounge and banquet venue. The application and Staff Report have not yet been posted to the city website. You may leave a comment at the following link: https://www.buildmobile.org/board-of-adjustment?meeting=264
Scroll down to the 1757 Government Street case. Click the green COMMENT bar, and leave your comments. THE COLLABORATIVE HAS ASKED FOR A HOLD OVER UNTIL THE NEW OPERATOR MEETS (ON ZOOM) WITH AREA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS (ODWA, LHDNO, GSC, LOOP). Update: The meeting has been held over to the September BOA meeting. The Staff Report is now posted and the Staff recommended the hold over. No other recommendations at this time. However, the Staff Report language seems to emphasize this is “the same” use as has been made of the site in the past, and that language usually signals a recommentation to approve. We will continue to try to pursue a meeting with the new operator to get full details.