The rumor on the street is that the Church Street Apartments, NE corner Church and Everett, have been sold again, this time to a developer interested in honoring the neighborhood’s request that the building be limited to no more than 6 apartments, stablized by longer term rentals and more appealing apartments. This is following Leinkauf HDNO and the Collaborative joining to oppose the original plan for 10 one-room efficiency apartments offered as short term rentals. The Board of Adjustments agreed with neighbors and approved the rehab for a 6 apartment maximum. More news to follow.
The old Pizzaria site on Monroe at Leinkauf school is sporting a new historic marker and an array of flags to announce it’s soft opening in May for carry out only, and a neighborhood opening the weekend of June 1 followed by its restaurant seating grand opening. Reports are that the pizzas are great and the atmosphere relaxed and fun. LET’S SUPPORT OUR NEW NEIGHBORHOOD PIZZARIA!
Take a moment to appreciate what a cohesive neighborhood working with developers and businessmen can achieve through cooperation. When Stokley’s garden center opens in the fall as we are promised, this will mean 3 vacant property corners around Leinkauf school and on Government will have turned around this year. The Collaborative encourages all midtown residents to join, support, and participate in neighborhood and street organizations. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Businessmen want the support of their neighborhood, but we have to be willing to talk and compromise to move forward together for a better Government Street and better neighborhoods!