GRIFFITH SHELL PROPERTY AT GOVERNMENT AND ANN STREET - Griffith Shell on Government St at Ann has applied for their 3 lots be combined under a single B2 zoning.  Some of the parcels are currently zoned B1 "Buffer," which is a lower intensity.  Upzoning to B2 is counter to the goals of surrounding historic districts and the Collaborative to maintain the residential character of Government Street from Broad to Pinehill where it borders Mobile's historic districts.  The decision on the application was held over to the May commission meeting. Neighbors are concerned about the impact of upzoning so large a tract between Ann and Georgia.May 6 update: The Griffith family, in its long tradition of supporting midtown neighborhood improvement, contacted the GSC to discuss neighbor concerns. Stay Tuned for a report.

MAY 29 UPDATE: A MEETING WAS HELD with Preston Griffith and son Hunt, along with members from ODWA and the Government Street Collaborative, to discuss this application.

The GSC position statement, submitted asking for a holdover, stated:








Representing the citizen volunteers forming the Government Street

Collaborative, we object to this plan as presented, on the following points:

1. It unnecessarily up-zones a buffer B1 area that appropriately separates

more intense B2 commerce from adjoining and nearby single family


2. This will result in almost a full block adjacent to a stable residential

historic district becoming more commercialized and open to all of the B2

"by right" or "conditional" development uses possible, some of which are

entirely inappropriate to border residences, such as night clubs, fast food

drive thru, and other high volume, nuisance-producing uses.

3. The site plan creates another large and unappealing hard-surface

parking area fronting Government Street, with no permeable surfacing or

specific landscaping shown to address a) increased storm water run off b)

heat zones, c) aesthetic degradation. It should be noted that current

urban development trends avoid large street-front, hard-surface parking


4. The current site plan does not show adequate noise and visual


5. and does not reflect modern urban development standards that make

low-impact commercial development compatible with residential life.

6. Because the owners have not identified the planned use of the property,

neighbors are left unprotected from nuisance-producing possibilities that

can devalue their property investment and create a range of Quality of Life

issues in that area.

7. This plan allows the longstanding and stable commercial node at Ann

and Government to encroach east toward a highly marketable residential

historic street, South Georgia, and the site of one of Government Street’s

most notable remaining historic homes, known as The Tissington Home.

8. This plan, in its current form, does not do justice to neighbors, does not

support historic district Quality of Life, and does not contribute to the

continuing stability of Government Street.

9. The applicants have contacted neighbors, initiated a meeting with

neighbors, and stated recently they will postpone this application to allow

time for addressing some of the concerns expressed.

10. At the neighbors’ meeting, a Griffith family member indicated the site

plan submitted is likely not the plan which will be actually pursued, and

11. the GSC therefore asks for a holdover to allow a more complete

planning process, which addresses area residential concerns, to occur.

Mindful that commercial property owners have a need and the legal right

to make viable use of their property within current ordinances, we as

neighbors in the surrounding districts commit to working with the owners

to the extent that their development will:

*do justice to area residents’ investments and Quality of Life;

*provide necessary or otherwise desirable, acceptably low-impact

commerce that supports daily residential life in the adjacent and

surrounding historic districts,

*help stabilize or even elevate the legacy of Government Street as Mobile’s

historic gateway corridor.

AFTER MEETING WITH NEIGHBORS, THE GRIFFITH FAMILY POSTPONED THEIR APPLICATION. In emails following, they agreed to move the Budget Rental trucks to another location, though said up to 3 trucks would be at the station for service on many days. They stated that their goal is to simpllfy their holdings under a single zoning (B2) which would be an income-producing zoning. The following options were discussed at the neighbor meeting:

  1. Resubmit application with no change

  2. Withdraw the request to rezone and seek a variance to operate an income-producing business on their B1 property without upzoning to B2.

  3. Seek a LIMITED B2 rezoning with an owner-volunteered list of restrictions to insure that objectionable business uses which would not do justice to the neighborhood would be prohibited going forward.

  4. Make no changes and seek an appropriate business use allowed in a B1 buffer zone.

June 3 Board of Adjustment meeting: Will hear a Griffith application for new signage that increases signage square footage on site AND introduces a new monument sign using red, segmented LED price point numerals. Application states the numerals to be 16” high and having no movement (flash, scroll, etc.) The total sign face with the Orange Shell insignia will NOT be backlit, according to the application. The sign as submitted was recommended administratively for approval (ARB/MHDC administrative approval) Neighbors are invited to attend the June 3 Board of Adjustment hearing to voice any concerns, as well as write to city Planning and ask that your position be shared with Board of Adjustment members. TO SEND YOUR POSITION ON THE LED SIGNAGE TO PLANNING: This is the link: It's agenda item #4 (Advantage Sign; 1262 Government). Click on the arrow head at the right of the blue banner for the item. You can see the staff report and leave a comment by using the appropriate green buttons.