The following uses are permitted "by right." They should be disallowed or allowed only with conditions (restrictions) and after public input:
Find your home on the map to see what Uses are permitted by right there.
Residential (Yellow) : Apartment Homes, Rooming and Boarding House, Community
Residential Facility, Residential Care Facilities
Traditional Corridors (Pink) : Community Housing, Community Residential Facility, Residential
Care Facilities, Hotel/Motel, Bar/Lounge, Food Preparation, Drive-thru Restaurant, Day Labor
Services, Convenience Store, Gasoline Fuel Sales, Car Wash, Social, Welfare and Charitable
Services, Hospital, Medical or Dental Clinic, Parking Facility, Utility, Minor
Neighborhood Center (Brown/Blue) : Apartment Homes, Community Residential Facility,
Convenience Store, Car Wash, Social, Welfare and Charitable Services, Hospital, Medical or
Dental Clinic
Downtown (Purple) : Apartment Homes, Community Housing, Convenience Store
The GSC comment to the city will be that the uses listed above should be disallowed in the areas shown, OR allowed only after public input and a special review process by the planning commission and the city council.
Source: Future Land Use Mapping, Map for Mobile, City of Mobile, Planning Division, 2017
This document was developed after a review of the 9-14-17 release of the Draft Chart of Permitted Uses. These are priorities, based on GSC member input, listing the most intense uses having the greatest potental for negative impact in our neighborhoods and on Government Street.
The map and the list of Uses show us what can occur on our street in our traditional, residential, historic neighborhoods. These Uses are proposed to be "by right," which means they can be placed in our area without approval, without city review of impact on residents, and without public input.
The new definitions for these Uses have not been released, but at this time, the GSC position is that we oppose these uses on our street because, as presented in the draft, they do not align with our vision for Government Street or the Map for Mobile principles we support.