Spring Area Zoning News

1.  NEW ZONING ORDINANCE, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE - UDC - The new zoning ordinance public input period closed on April 8.  A revised version (V.3) will be released and will be followed by another 30 day public comment period, then revised again before going to the Planning Commission for public hearing next, date TBA.  Interested residents will be able to attend the Planning Commission public hearing and give input to the Commission.  The outline of tentative dates or milestones from Build Mobile are:

MILESTONES April 8, 2019 – Informal comment period ended (extended) May 31, 2019 - Public review of Draft Version 3 (30 days). It will contain: Staff review of comments and map Public comment report prepared Tracked comparison of changes

July TBD – Mobile Planning Commission Consideration

Draft Version 4 August TBD – Mobile City Council Consideration

**Please note exact dates are subject to change.

Stay Tuned.

2.  CHURCH STREET AT EVERETT APARTMENTS - A developer, Mr. Jerry Jackson, has purchased the apartments at the corner of Church Street and Everett, with plans to renovate for a 10-studio unit, short term (6 month) rental offered for what Mr. Jackson described as "temporary workers" in the area.  Mr. Jackson met with Leinkauf residents at a community meeting and later met again with Board members.  The Board presented him with some research indicating he could rework his plan for 5 larger, longer term units and realize a greater monthly profit.  Mr. Jackson stated he would look at that option.  May 6 UPDATE: At the May 6 Board of Adjustment meeting, Mr. Jackson’s representative states they were willing to reduce the density of their plan to 8 efficiency/studio apartments, but LHDNO representatives countered with a request that density be maintained at 6 larger units which would be more likely to attract stable rental clients. The Board of Adjustment agreed with the neighborhood’s desire for a less dense development in this location and voted to approve a 6 unit development. LHDNO representatives stated they would be happy to support a 6 unit apartment complex.


3.  EMERGENCY SHELTER 1805 GOVERNMENT ST - Work has begun again on the building at 1805 Government Street across from Memorial Park, and the owners, in conversation with neighbors, have stated their intent to pursue a short-term emergency shelter for women clients.  Certain emergency shelters (such as Penelope House) are granted "by right" with no public input or appeal process.  However, the development must meet the definition and criteria for an emergency shelter and can be monitored for compliance.

4.  WINN DIXIE SIGNAGE REQUEST: To add a new streetside monument sign and replace the east face wall WINN DIXIE signage, as well as add PHARMACY AND DOLLAR SHOP on east face wall. The staff recommendation was to approve the streetwide monument sign and the WINN DIXIE wall sign, but NOT approve the Pharmacy and Dollar Shop signage as visual clutter and sign pollution. TO BE HEARD AT JUNE 3RD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. NEIGHBORS INVITED TO ATTEND THE 2PM MEETING AND WRITE YOUR POSITION TO CITY PLANNING FOR THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.