The Car Wash development planned for the corner of Sage Avenue and Dauphin Street is back.

Staff reports for the January 7, 2019 meeting of the City of Mobile Board of Zoning Adjustment may be found using the following link:

The case is now posted to the Board of Adjustment website and you may read the Staff Report there and submit your position statement online. This is from the Staff Report:

“The request was heldover from the December 2018 meeting by the Board, to allow additional time for legal counsel to review the request.


Staff recommends to the Board the following findings of fact for Denial:

  1. 1)  approving the variance will be contrary to the public interest in that the subject site could be used in a compliant fashion without the need for variances;

  2. 2)  special conditions do not exist and there are not hardships which exist in that the applicant could submit a Rezoning, application to the Planning Commission (and City Council), along with some minor adjustments to the site plan, eliminating the need for variances; and

  3. 3)  the spirit of the chapter shall not be observed and substantial justice shall not be done to the surrounding neighborhood by granting the variance because it is simply the applicant’s desire to seek a variance instead of making application to the Planning Commission and City Council.”

The Board does NOT have to accept the Staff Recommendation to Deny, and often the Board’s decision is based on the amount of community/neighborhood engagement to support or oppose a development.

Attendance at the January 7th Board of Adjustment meeting at 2pm will allow you to promote your position for or against this development.