Disclaimer: The information presented is a citizen-editorial blog, supported by news reports, attendance at planning, council, or community meetings, public information or records review, and interviews. It does not represent to be legal analysis or information. Member Collaborative groups may submit editorial blogs for consideration for publication.
Update: An application to open a 24/7 homeless shelter at 1805 Government Street has been denied by the Planning Commission following a June 12 Community Meeting sponsored by The Government Street Collaborative, and a neighborhood petition drive sponsored by GSC and enabled by area neighborhoods. The owner may appeal or seek to open a different type of site.
The basis for the denial included: Site deficiencies for parking (5 spaces for up to 12 residents,11 staff, visitors, itinerate service providers) and no area public parking; single narrow drive that won't accommodate dumpster service or large service vehicles and may require backing onto Govt St due to undersized turn radius in back; increased pedestrian traffic at a 7-way intersection lacking any pedestrian support; 24/7 operation where none exists; leading to conclusion not in harmony to surrounding residential area.
During the conversations, many neighbors expressed concern about the need to services to the homeless. The Collaborative agrees.
There are 13 active agencies providing services to the homeless, many in midtown and district 2. The GSC hopes all who are concerned will support existing homeless support agencies of choice and offer donations and volunteerism. These are established, experienced, effective programs and they can use our support. The Collaborative reminds neighbors of the services offered by:
First Christian Church, Govt ST at Stocking, food pantry and other support
St John's Church at the Cannon, assisting McKemie Place and Inner City Methodist with day services for homeless women
Inner City Methodist on South Broad, overnight bed shelter for women
Sybil Smith Foundation services for women and families
Waterfront Rescue Mission and Thrift Store
Salvation Army in ODWA
McKemie Place set to open expanded services for women within the year
Penelope House crisis center for women and their children and thrift store
In addition, your home church or civic organization may sponsor support or collect donations for area homeless.