As a leader in the City of Mobile with an interest in our parks and recreation system, I’m seeking your assistance with conducting outreach about a series of community meetings taking place throughout the month of July, with the first one kicking off on Thursday, July 5. We will be hosting a meeting at Ashland Place United Methodist Church on 7/24/18 beginning at 6 pm. I invite you to join us, but keep in mind that residents are welcome to attend any of the meetings throughout the month that are most convenient for them. The meetings are interactive and include activities in which members of the community can provide feedback about parks and recreation in the city, including their thoughts about facilities and programming. Children and youth are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please share the attached poster with your network, organization, digital email distribution list, and social media channels. Residents that are interested can use the link below to get additional information, and to RSVP that they plan to attend.