
The GOVERNMENT STREET COLLABORATIVE (GSC) is a voluntary, grassroots campaign to bring together resident groups north and south of Government Street with other Mobile citizens, commercial partners, and leaders. Through issue and Code research, effective communication, organization, compromise, collaboration, and voluntary citizen engagement, the GSC seeks to maintain the best of the Government Street legacy and the historic neighborhoods she supports in midtown and downtown Mobile.


The Hope

GSC would like to offer the platform needed to create a shared citizen vision for Government Street. We want to encourage good city planning and private investment that build upon the principles laid out in the Map for Mobile.

We wish to change the narrative between the neighborhoods, city hall, and developers by focusing on a culture that demonstrates: ethical behavior, careful and accurate representation of work to the public, and a spirit of cooperation.  We support the enforcement of Code for the benefit of Mobile and her people.

We recognize the importance of the Government Street corridor to our city’s history, our daily lives, and our shared future.

 We hope member groups of The Collaborative will unify in support of a Government Street that embodies these beliefs:

  1. Good Streets are beautiful places that lift our spirit, elevate our Quality of Life, and create value.

  2. Good Streets are safe and walkable, create energy, and encourage healthy and life-enriching activity.

  3. Good Streets Move the People in a Variety of Ways (on foot, on bicycles, in cars, by transit)

  4. Good Streets Include Trees, which serve both form and function.

  5. The Infrastructure on Good Streets (lighting, sidewalks, planting areas, street furnishings, surfacing, etc.) protects and nurtures the environment and the people.

  6. Good Streets are known and remembered for their unique qualities, and those qualities create a legacy.

  7. Good Streets allow change but demand respect for what is best of their legacy.

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The Mission:




We stand for cohesive neighborhoods of distinctive character, where appropriately designed urban centers along Government Street contribute to a vibrant, functional, and secure daily life.

We support re-development and restoration practices guided by proper urban design principles, that are human-in-scale, and will enable us to preserve our built and natural legacy.

We support the Principles found in the Map for Mobile and its objective to restructure public policy and development practices to achieve strong neighborhoods, functional roadway corridors, strategic infill and re-development, a connected community, and high-quality design of the built environment.

A Roadway Corridor that Brings Form to Function

  • A "Complete Streets" approach to roadway design and when undertaking maintenance
  • Transportation infrastructure that is aligned with community character and accommodations for driving, walking and biking, and public transit
  • Support planning efforts and the construction of a system of open spaces, green spaces and trails that connect the entire city for walking and bicycling transportation and recreation
  • Developing a partnership with ALDOT to better establish the Government Street corridor as an urban boulevard that fits within its unique built environment

High-Quality Design of the Built Environment

  • A mix of uses that serves the needs of the community
  • Development that focuses on the form of the building and its relationship to the street
  • A focus on vacant properties and blighted areas
  • Concentrated activity that creates vibrancy
  • Buildings and sites designed to enhance and contribute to surroundings and neighborhoods
  • Protected and preserved historic neighborhoods, buildings and sites - including trees

Connected Community

  • An attractive and distinctive streetscape and public realm
  • Maintenance of existing property to minimize degradation and blight
  • New development that is distinguishing yet in keeping with City and neighborhood character

Strategic Infill and Redevelopment

  • Well-designed, pedestrian-oriented neighborhood centers with a mixture of uses
  • Community amenities within walkable distances
  • Unique identity and sense of place

Strong Neighborhoods

  • Ease of mobility for pedestrians, automobiles and bicyclists
  • Safe and appealing transportation options including public transit
  • Access to businesses, parks and open spaces, cultural amenities and other destinations